Credit Application Form

The minimum requirements for establishing an account with TEN are as follows:

  • The applicant must be a registered entity in good standing with the Secretary of State for a period of at least two years
  • The applicant must not be a Sole Proprietor or an Owner Operator
  • The applicant must have a physical business address phone numbers (residential address or PO Box not acceptable)
  • The applicant must provide evidence of a banking relationship that verifies the existence of a minimum five-figure checking average over the previous six months
  • The applicant must have the ability to provide references as evidence of existing or prior credit relationships with other creditors

For more information regarding these requirements or any other credit application-related inquiries, please call our corporate credit department at (614) 274-1950 or email

  • Save and resume application link at bottom of form
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Credit Needs

Location Need

Contact Address

This address is same as my billing address
Do you have a HazMat Registration?
Tax Exempt?
PO Required?
Will trailers travel to Mexico?
Will trailers travel to Canada?
S-Corp, C-Corp, LLC, Partnership…etc.


YOU AGREE TO ACCEPT ELECTRONIC INVOICING via email and/or fax listed below:
Email invoices to the above address
Required Payment Method (Enrollment form to be provided)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.


Equipment will not be released without a valid Insurance Certificate on File.
Agent Name
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a sample COI
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please send your trade references on your company letterhead with this application
  • This application is made with the understanding that payment is due NET20 days from the invoice date, unless otherwise specified in an "Agreement" executed by both parties.
  • An applicant’s failure to meet payment terms may result in credit suspension or revocation. If an account becomes delinquent to the point of turning over to a collection agency or attorney, the Applicant agrees to pay all collection costs and reasonable attorney fees.
  • If a valid tax exemption certificate is not on file prior to billing, the responsibility remains with the applicant to file for any refunds to those city/states to which those taxes have been remitted.
  • We will use the information provided herein to do routine credit reviews at our discretion and during any credit line increase.
  • We report and share credit trade history with other companies on a routine basis, if an appropriate written request is received by us. You may utilize us as a trade reference upon completion of six months’ business activity.
  • This credit application shall serve as a binding agreement to allow our company to use various industry trade creditors, banks, and commercial credit resources to establish a credit profile on your company. We do not share any of these reports or communications with third parties and hold such information in strict confidence.
  • All other terms and conditions related to our business relationship shall be included and delivered by way of other "Agreements" executed by both parties in the normal course of business. You may request a copy of those terms for any agreement prior to execution.
  • We will attempt to follow any Purchase Order procedures you may have but will not be bound to any special terms and conditions that hinder our agreements.